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Where does the word "danger" come from?

"Danger" as a noun meaning "risk or peril" comes from Old French dangier , "the power to harm," appearing in the late 1300s, though it may originally have come from the Latin domus, "house." The original English meaning, "arrogance," appears around 1250. The OED lists 19 different meanings for the word - 14 nouns, 4 verbs, and 1 adjective. The verbal forms are all obsolete; they include "to injure" (dead by 1614); "to imperil" (dead by 1616); and "to render liable" (dead by 1633). The adjective is also obsolete, meaning "perilous," last recorded in 1488. The noun form acquires the meaning "a submerged rock" in 1699; obsolete meanings of the noun include "ungracious conduct" (dead by 1400); "a narrow pass" (dead by 1440); "reluctance" (dead by 1526); "a state of bondage or captivity" (dead by 1540); and "the rent paid in acknowledgement of the lordship over a forest" (dead by 1693). The earliest written use of the noun is in 1225, in the manuscript known as Ancrene Riwle.


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