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Where does the word "dim" come from?

"Dim" as an adjective meaning "faintly luminous" comes from Old English dimm, "dark, indistinct, gloomy," appearing in the early 1300s, though the English version meaning "not seeing clearly" (said of the eyes themselves) appears earlier, in the early 1200s; the sense "dull-witted" appears around 1250 (the oxford english dictionary, however, dates this form to 1729). The verb forms derive from the adjective around the same time periods. The OED lists 16 different meanings for the word - 9 adjectives, 3 nouns, 3 verbs, and 1 adverb. Obsolete forms include the adverb meaning "faintly" (dead by 1821) and a noun form meaning "half" (dead by 1661). The adjectival sense "lusterless" (said of color) appears around 1250; the noun meaning "dusk," in 1430; and the noun meaning "dimness of vision" in 1726. The earliest written use of the verb is from before 1300, in the manuscript known as Christ on Cross.


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