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Where does the word "dawn" come from?

"Dawn" comes from the Old English dagian "to become day." The verb appears around 1200 according to that source and means the same thing, though the Oxford English Dictionary's earliest evidence for it is from 1499, in Promptorium Parvulorum. The meaning when applied to ideas, meaning "to begin to become apparent," appears by 1852. The noun form is from the 1590s, replacing the Middle English "day-gleam," and first appears in the writings of William Shakespeare, again according to the OED; however, I can see the noun form within John Nichol's A Sketch of Scottish Poetry up to the Time of Sir David Lyndesay, with an Outline of His Works in which he gives a "slightly abridged" quote from the Scottish poet William Dunbar. The same work claims that Dunbar had been dead by 1530, which is 34 years before the birth of Shakespeare. -- UPDATE -- actually the word used by Dunbar was 'dawing.' Apparently Nichol's "abridgment" included rewording the whole thing. THANKS Nichols 😕

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