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Where does the word "embrace" come from?

"Embrace" as a verb meaning "to clasp in the arms" comes from the Greek brakhion, "an arm," appearing around 1350. The noun meaning "a hug" derives from the verb and appears in the 1590s; the Middle English form of the noun can also mean "bribery." The OED lists 24 different meanings for the word - 22 verbs and 2 nouns. Other meanings for the noun include "sexual intercourse;" for the verb, "to put a shield on an arm" (obsolete by 1592), "to gain an object of desire" (obsolete by 1500), "to surround" (from 1360), "to contain" (1697), and "to fix with a brace" (obsolete by 1590). The earliest written use of the noun is in 1599, in the writings of William Shakespeare, playwright; of the verb, around 1300 in an obsolete form, in the manuscript known as Kyng Alisaunder.


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